Personal insolvency
There are several procedures which deal with personal insolvency.
Bankruptcy, traditionally the most common procedure, is a result of a court-based enforcement usually by a creditor and will result in the appointment of a Trustee overall an individual’s assets. It is usually an option of last resort for both creditor and debtor.
Individual Voluntary Arrangements (“VAs) are a flexible procedure initiated by an individual with the help of an insolvency practitioner to proactively deal with their financial distress and offer a solution that generally delivers a better return to creditors than a Bankruptcy.
There are other procedures in addition to the above for dealing with financial distress such as Debt Management Plans, Administration Orders and Debt Relief Orders. In Scotland there are other procedures for dealing with personal debt.
It is a common misconception that an individual’s debts are discharged upon death. There are however, procedures to deal with a deceased person’s financial affairs, to assist their executor and families, if the deceased has liabilities greater than their assets.