
Key dates/deadlines for Q3 July-September 2022

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Upcoming Deadlines:

5 July: Deadline for PAYE Settlement Agreements (PSA) to be agreed with HMRC for 2021/22. PSA applications submitted after this date will not apply to 2021/22.   

Without a PSA, employers will need to include additional entries on their employee/employer P11D returns and account for the PAYE and NICs where appropriate on the benefits potentially on a grossed up basis.

6 July: Deadline for submission of the employers Employment Related Securities annual return (previously Form42). This is required to report any award of shares, options or other equity based remuneration, changes to previous awards such as vesting or acquisition of shares under a share option schemes as well as data regarding shares purchased by employees via a tax efficient share plan.  Penalties will be charged for any late filings.

6 July: Deadline for filing P11D and P11D(b) returns, as well as providing them to employees.

6 July: Deadline for submission of the 2021/22 annual termination and benefits report. Employers will be required to submit a report if non-cash benefits were included in an employee’s termination package. If the value of the settlement does not exceed £30,000 then a report is not required.

19 July: Deadline for businesses that draw accounts to 30 June to have notified HMRC of the relevant uncertain tax treatments (UTTs) in respect of Full Payment Submissions (FPS). A treatment is deemed uncertain if the employer has interpreted the tax legislation in a way that differs from HMRC’s known view, resulting in a potential tax saving.

19 July: Deadline for payment of Class 1A NICs if the payment is being made by post.

22 July: Deadline for payment of class 1A NICs if these payments are being made electronically.

Quarterly deadlines:

2 August: Deadline for employers to submit Form 46 (car) to report new cars provided during quarter to 5 July 2022.

5 August: Onshore and offshore employment intermediaries must make quarterly reports to HMRC where they have not operated PAYE. The quarterly reports to 5 July 2022 are due by 5 August 2022. Information required is shown as per the previous publication.