
Capital Quarter: Spring 2020

Welcome to the Spring 2020 edition of Capital Quarter – our newsletter for listed businesses and their advisors. This issue focuses on the Technology sector, covering a number of emerging issues in this space and reacting to the new normal of COVID-19 business interruption.

The implementation of IFRS 15 revolutionised how many technology companies recorded revenue from contracts with customers. But the new regulations are complicated, and we are often asked by our clients to explain how they work – particularly in relation to the treatment of licences. 

The Companies (Miscellaneous Reporting) Regulations 2018 introduced several new and enhanced disclosure requirements for UK companies, effective from periods commencing 1 January 2019. In addition, major recent socio-political events – chiefly Brexit and the COVID-19 pandemic – will require businesses to report additional information in their accounts. But what are the new requirements and how will they affect your business? 

Also in this issue of Capital Quarter:
  • Incentivising staff when cash is constrained
  • Government support for start up businesses
  • How internal audit can stay effective and relevant
We hope you find this edition useful, and we are always keen to hear your comments and suggestions for future articles.